Saturday, May 11, 2013

Four Insights That Will Help You Reach Your Singing Goals

1. The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed. You will always feel the most frustrated right before a breakthrough in your technique. Your frustration causes you to recognize the importance of finding a better way to sing and motivates you to make it happen. Same thing goes for your professional career, the frustration signals impending success.

2. Your singer-friends are your allies not your competition. Business-wise you are competing with every singer in the world not just the ones in front of your nose.  Don’t see the other singers you know personally as competition, join forces with them, help them and they will return the favor.

3. If you can’t understand or perceive what experts such as coaches are telling you about what you need to improve in your performance do not consider them to be snobby, crazy or overly picky. Take the suggestions seriously. Spend your time learning more so that you can understand and hear what they are hearing. Just because you can’t perceive something does not mean that it isn’t important, it is probably the most important thing you need to learn.

4. Those with the greatest natural gifts are usually the ones who take them for granted, and squander them. You don’t have to have the strongest talent to achieve the most artistically, you just have to have the strongest desire to achieve. So, don’t be discouraged if others are more naturally gifted! If you are naturally gifted realize that this is just a head start,   ou will get where you need to be sooner, but you need to work just as hard as everyone else or you will watch them surpass you one by one!