Wednesday, March 20, 2019

How long does it take?

How long does it take?

I am often asked by a singer undertaking lessons, “How long does it take to learn to sing?”

My answer? “An instant and a lifetime.”

Some aspects of singing can be addressed right there in the first session when techniques yield instant results, if the body is ready to do it. In most cases, the understanding comes first and the ability to do a technique and then do it consistently comes little by little.

How long does it take for a singer to sound  and look polished and poised to an average audience’s  eye and ear? If the teacher is good, it usually takes about three years, therefore a voice major in their junior year, or the equivalent should be able to start to perform professionally at such things as weddings, religious services and local events. Some of the bigger and more exciting voices take longer to sound polished, and for some fast learners it can take only a year or two.

All singers must be students of singing, though, as long as they are still performing. The magnificent human instrument we call the voice is ever-changing as is the body that contains it. There is always new music to learn and old music to perfect and relearn if we are presenting it.  A singer may one day not be regularly studying with a teacher, but they must always be learning and adjusting.

How long does it take?

An instant and forever.

Are you ready for the journey?